Letters to Salvatore Sirabella, Director, Governor's Office of Public Liaison, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
September 3, 2009 8:00
The Honorable Salvatore Sirabella
Office of Public Liaison
Commonwealth of
Dear Sal:
You've been pretty quiet.
Would you respond to the following as previously presented to
In this context, I respectfully bring to your attention the following questions and requests.
1. The KAC is an integral part of the Asian-American Community and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As such, the KAC needs and deserves a better representation at the Commission by able, competent and committed new members of the Commission.
1.1. Would you please broach this request to the immediate attention of the Governor?
2. Was there a Comission Meeting/s this year, 2009?
2.1. If so, would you be kind to make available "minutes" of the Meeting/s?
3. Would you make available financial statements of the Commission from FY2004 to FY2008?
4. What are major achievements with distinction of the Commission since it was installed by the Governor in 2004?
5. What are the stated roles of Executive Director of the Commission?
6. What are job descriptions of Executive Director of the Commission?
7. I will thank you for your prompt attention to these questions and requests.
8. I submit on the record this correspondence to you as part of the Commonwealth's official business matters.
Sang Joo Kim
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo
(Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group,
The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell,
PA 19422
C.: CAMC Board
Colleagues and
CAMC website
The Honorable Salvatore
Governor's Office of Public Liaison
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Dear Sal:
Harry Kao's silence prompts me
to write directly to you.
I commenced a correspondence
with Harry Kao on December 20, 2008, since then I raised relevant queries
pertaining to the subject entity
with a particular focus on the performance
and representation by the two Korean-American community (KAC)
In this context, I respectfully
bring to your attention the following questions and requests.
1. The KAC is an integral part of the Asian-American Community and
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As such, the KAC needs and deserves a better
representation at the Commission by able, competent and committed new members of
the Commission.
1.1. Would you please broach this request to the
immediate attention of the Governor?
Was there a Comission Meeting/s this year,
2.1. If so, would you be
kind to make available "minutes" of the Meeting/s?
3. Would you make available financial
statements of the Commission from FY2004 to FY2008?
4. What are major achievements with
distinction of the Commission since it was installed by the Governor in
5. What are the
stated roles of Executive Director of the Commission?
6. What are job descriptions of Executive
Director of the Commission?
I will thank you for your prompt attention to these questions
and requests.
8. I submit
on the record this correspondence to you as part of the Commonwealth's official
business matters.
Thank you and
Sang Joo
Sang Joo Kim
(Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group,
The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell,
PA 19422
C.: CAMC Board
Colleagues and friends
11. Are you "Vice Chair" since when or "Acting Vice Chair" since when?
12. Under what rule/s?
5. Did you have a meeting with The
Honorable Salvatore Sirabella, Director of Governor's Office of Public
Dear Commissioners:
Please email me your comments regarding Mr. Sang Joo Kim’s remarks prior to my meeting with Mr. Sirabella this afternoon at 2PM.
Harry Kao
5.1. Would you be kind to update me if you did have a
meeting with him?
5.2. If you didn't, would you
please bring to his immediate attention my "remarks"?
The KAC is an integral part of the Asian-American Community and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As such, the KAC needs and deserves a better representation at the Commission by able, competent and committed new members of the Commission.
Will the Governor graciously heed this advice via The Honorable Salvatore Sirabella, Director of Governor's Office of Public Liaison?
7. Was there a Comission Meeting/s
this year, 2009?
7.1. If so, would you be kind to
make available "minutes" of the
8. Would you be kind to
make available financial statements of the Commission from FY2004 to
I submit on the record all these correspondence hithereto, vide infra, between you and me which commenced on "December 20, 2008 1:23 PM" to your next Commission Meeting as part of the Meeting "minutes".
Stay warm!
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo
(Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group,
The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell,
PA 19422
The Honorable Salvatore Sirabella, Director of Governor's Office of Public
Dear Commissioners:
Please email me your comments regarding Mr. Sang Joo Kim’s remarks prior to my meeting with Mr. Sirabella this afternoon at 2PM.
Harry Kao
Executive Director
Governor's Advisory Commission
on Asian American Affairs
506 Finance Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-346-9205
FAX: 717-214-7737
Website: www.asianam.state..pa.us
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 2:36 AM
To: Kao, Hai-Chow
Cc: Sirabella, Salvatore
Subject: Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans AffairsCAMC
Season's Greetings
March 12, 2009 2:36 AM
Dear Harry:
Thank you for your note.
It'd be presumptuous that a single individual with no statutory standing in the Commission "may have some ideas on how to improve the commission’s operations" vis-a-vis the 15 members strong Commission who were appointed by the Governor and who "solemnly swore ... and discharge [my] duties with fidelity".
Absense of your [as Executive Director of Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian American Affairs or as "representatives of the commonwealth’s government"] affirmative and responsible answers to some of the relevant preliminary questions and concerns raised suppresses an ability to make an equitable and fair assessment of the expected performance level of the Commission.
I, as a member of the Korean-American Community (KAC), have broached to your attention - now, to the attention of The Honorable Salvatore Sirabella, Director of Governor's Office of Public Liaison as well - my prima facie observation of the apparent performance failure of the two members of the Commission representing the KAC. The episode of Michael Choi as Chairman of the Commission with his dismal attendance record in and of itself inevitably casts a public discredit and may constitute a classic case of dereliction of duty and AWOL. Yet, it would appear that the Commission may have been wittingly silent on this particular. The circumstances of Adam Kim as a member of the Commission with his seriously questionable performance and contributions to the KAC, the Commission and the Commonwealth also cast a public discredit and may constitute a classic case of performance deficit and failure to "discharge duties with fidelity".
The KAC is an integral part of the Asian-American Community and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As such, the KAC needs and deserves a better representation at the Commission by able, competent and committed new members of the Commission.
Will the Governor graciously heed this advice via The Honorable Salvatore Sirabella, Director of Governor's Office of Public Liaison?I submit on the record all these correspondence hithereto, vide infra, between you and me which commenced on "December 20, 2008 1:23 PM" to your next Commission Meeting as part of the Meeting "minutes".
Stay warm!
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo Kim
CAMC (Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group, The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell, PA 19422
C.: The Honorable Salvatore Sirabella, Director of Governor's Office of Public Liaison
03/11/09 3:44 PM
Kao, Hai-Chow wrote:Dear Sang Joo:
To the best of my ability, I have responded to your consecutive requests for information. However, based on the long string of emails below, it seems that you may have some ideas on how to improve the commission’s operations. Therefore, to make this process more productive, I am inviting you to provide a detailed proposal to Mr. Sirabella, our commissioners, and I. Together we can act positively to plan, develop, and advance initiatives to achieve our mission of serving the commonwealth and all of its citizens.
Harry Kao
Executive Director
Governor's Advisory Commission
on Asian American Affairs
506 Finance Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-346-9205
FAX: 717-214-7737
Website: www.asianam.state..pa.us
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 1:57 AM
To: Kao, Hai-Chow
Cc: Sirabella, Salvatore
Subject: Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans AffairsCAMC
Season's Greetings
March 9, 2009 1:56 AM
Dear Harry:
While awaiting your response, the following observations are preliminarily made.
1. The record (i.e., minutes of September 16, 2004) shows that Adam Kim stated at the Commission's inaugural meeting "[t]o improve quality of life for Asians".
1.1. One may wonder how much he improved "quality of life for Asians" and/or what effort he made "to improve quality of life for Asians" during his tenure as a Commissioner up to now.
Would you provide data demonstrating his achievements/contributions to that effect during his tenure as a Commissioner for the last at least 4 years in a documentable and measurable terms?
2. The record (i.e., minutes of April 12, 2006) shows that Adam Kim stated that "on April 14th he attended the ROTEM Manufacturers celebration. ROTEM is looking to hire 200 more people
next year alone".
2.2. Would you provide data ascertaining that the company did hire "200 more people" the following year?
3. The attendance records show that he attended the Commissioner's Meetings 11 times out of a total 16 Meetings and spoke only twice, unless something missing here, during his tenure as a
Commissioner for the last at least 4 years.
3.1. Is it the level of duty that he meant when swore in "[I] will discharge my duties with fidelity" on September 16, 2004?
4. Would you provide data showing that Adam Kim competently and "with fidelity" contributed to carrying out the stated "Mission" and "Functions" of the Commission as promulgated by the Governor
in his Executive Order of Jue 22, 2003?
5. I submit on the record all these correspondence hithereto, vide infra, between you and me which commenced on "December 20, 2008 1:23 PM" to your next Commission Meeting as part of the Meeting "minutes".
Stay warm!
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo Kim
CAMC (Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group, The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell, PA 19422
C.: The Honorable Salvatore Sirabella, Director of Governor's Office of Public Liaison
March 4, 2009 3:45 PM
Dear Harry:
Thank you for your note.Although the organization chart is not officially adopted,
1. If "not officially adopted," what is/are the relevance and power of the Chart?
2. Don't you think that the Chart should be officially adopted as an instrument of the [Commission and/or] Governor's Office of Public Liaison for its governance and operations?The executive director and deputy executive director were appointed by Governor Rendell as representatives of the commonwealth’s government
3. The Governor's Executive Order of June 22, 2003 states "The Governor shall appoint an Executive Director an a Deputy Executive Director of the Commission, who will serve at this pleasure".(2.c.)
3.1. Would you clarify if your statement of "representatives of the commonwealth’s government" is synonymous with "of the Commission" (emphasis added.) of the Governor's Order?Regarding the attendance of Michael Choi, your count should be correct.
4. Thank you.
4.1. Is it correct that Michael Choi was appointed as Chair of the Commission by the Governor?
4.2. If so, has the Governor been made aware that Michael Choi attended only the first three (3) Commission Meetings (i.e., September 16, 2004; November 18, 2004 and January 26, 2005) out of total sixteen (16) Meetings through 2008?
4.3. Separately, does the Commission know why he has faild to participate in the Meetings?
4.4. Have you and/or the Commission made to the Governor through the Office of Public Liaison a "[r]ecommendation to terminate membership of a Commission member, who has been absent without excuse for more than two consecutive meetings"?
<Bylaws of the Commission, Article III>.
5. The record (i.e., minutes of September 16, 2004) shows that Michael Choi stated "[t]o raise money and find funding for services for Asians in the community, EX., Translators at PennDot Goal is to raise enough money to expad Commission t spread throughout the State and to provide aid to communities. Use contacts and connections to get the word out" as Chairman of the Commission.
5.1. If this record will stand correct, how much money/monies did Michael Choi raise "for services for Asians in the community"?
5.2. If this record will stand correct, how much "funding" did Michael Choi "find" "for services for Asians in the community"?
6. The record (i.e., minutes of January 26, 2005) shows that Michael Choi stated "... we need to raise money for the Tsunami victims, maybe get press coverage for the donation" as Chairman of the Commission.
6.1. If this record will stand correct, how much money/monies did Michael Choi raise "for the Tsunami victims" as Chairman of the Commission?
7. Would you provide data demonstrating an ethnic background/heritage of each of the 15 Commission members?
8. Would you provide data demonstrating a geographic distribution/representation of each of the 15 Commission members?
9. I submit on the record all these correspondence hithereto, vide infra, between you and me which commenced on "December 20, 2008 1:23 PM" to your next Commission Meeting as part of the Meeting "minutes".
Stay warm!
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo Kim
CAMC (Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group, The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell, PA 19422
C.: The Honorable Salvatore Sirabella, Director of Governor's Office of Public Liaison
03/04/09 11:05 AM
Kao, Hai-Chow wrote:Dear Sang Joo:
Following are responses to your questions:
Although the organization chart is not officially adopted, it shows how the commission is structured. Mr. Salvatore Sirabella (Email address: ssirabella@stat.pa.us) is the Director of the Governor’s Office of Public Liaison and he oversees all of the Governor’s commissions, including the Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian American Affairs. The commissioners were appointed by Governor Rendell as representatives of the commonwealth’s Asian American communities. The executive director and deputy executive director were appointed by Governor Rendell as representatives of the commonwealth’s government. There are no supervisory relationships between the commissioners and executive director because we all work together as partners. Our mission is to plan, develop and promote initiatives to benefit the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and its citizens culturally, economically, educationally, socially, and technologically.
The commissioners are governed by Executive Order 2003-8 and the commission’s bylaw, both of which have been sent previously to you. Regarding the attendance of Michael Choi, your count should be correct. Since commissioners are not paid and the majority have full-time engagements elsewhere, whatever time one may volunteer to help the commission is appreciated.
I have served in my current capacity as the commission’s first executive director since June of 2004.
Harry Kao
Executive Director
Governor's Advisory Commission
on Asian American Affairs
506 Finance Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-346-9205
FAX: 717-214-7737
Website: www.asianam.state.pa.us
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 5:01 AM
To: Kao, Hai-Chow
Subject: Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans AffairsCAMC
Happy Snowing
March 4, 2009 5:01 AM
March 2, 2009 5:01 AM
Dear Harry:
Thank you for the material.
1. When was the Chart adopted as such? Or,
2. Is it an amended Chart if not the originally adopted one?
3. The Chart shows that "Executive Director" reports to "Director, Governor's Office of Public Liaison", not to "Commissioners".
3.1. Is that right?
3.2. If so, what is the working relationship between "Executive Director" and "Commissioners" as the Chart indicates no link between the two though on the same plane?
4. Would you provide bylaws governing the operations of "Commissioners"?
5. What is an official email address of "Salvatore Sirabella"?
6. Since when have you been "Executive Director"?
7. The data you presented indicate, if one counted correctly, that Michael Choi attended only the first three (3) Commission Meetings out of total sixteen (16) Meetings through 2008.
September 16, 2004
November 18, 2004
January 26, 2005
7.1. If that fact will stand correct, does the Commission know why he has faild to participate in the Meetings?
Stay warm!
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo Kim
CAMC (Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group, The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell, PA 19422
02/25/09 2:14 PM
Kao, Hai-Chow wrote:Dear Sang Joo:
Per your request, please see attached organization chart. Regarding our commissioners’ activities, I only knew of commissioners’ group activities, which I had sent to you already. I do not have information about their individual activities.
Harry Kao
Executive Director
Governor's Advisory Commission
on Asian American Affairs
506 Finance Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-346-9205
FAX: 717-214-7737
Website: www.asianam.state.pa.us
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 12:35 AM
To: Kao, Hai-Chow
Subject: Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans AffairsCAMC
Happy New Year
February 23, 2009 12:34 AM
Dear Harry:
Thank you for the narratives.
The two queries I have raised, vide infra, ask as to the two Commissioners' activities and accomplishments who represent Korean-American communities.
1. Would you enumerate more specifically about the two Commissioners' detailed contributions to the Commission and to the Governor and their achievements on behalf of Korean-American communities?
2.6. Would you be kind to make available an authorised organisational chart of the Commission?
Stay warm!
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo Kim
CAMC (Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group, The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell, PA 19422
02/18/09 3:46 PM
Kao, Hai-Chow wrote:Dear Sang Joo:
Per your request, please see attached report.
Harry Kao
Executive Director
Governor's Advisory Commission
on Asian American Affairs
506 Finance Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-346-9205
FAX: 717-214-7737
Website: www.asianam.state.pa.us
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 1:59 AM
To: Kao, Hai-Chow
Subject: Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans AffairsCAMC
Happy New Year
February 18, 2009 1:58 AM
February 16, 2009 11:43 PM
February 11, 2009 12:45 PM
February 4, 2009 10:50 AM
Dear Harry:
Thank you for your note.I. Would you be kind to provide the following?
3. Materials documenting Commissioners' activities and accomplishments representing Korean-American communities for the year 2008 and the year 2007, respectively.
6. Materials documenting Commissioners' activities and accomplishments representing Korean-American communities for the year 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively.
II. Would you be kind to make available "the report about the commission’s accomplishments in 2007 and 2008"?After my return on January 12th, I shall start to work on the report about the commission’s accomplishments in 2007 and 2008.
6. Would you be kind to make available an authorised organisational chart of the Commission?
Stay warm!
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo Kim
CAMC (Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group, The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell, PA 19422
02/03/09 3:05 PM
Kao, Hai-Chow wrote:Dear Sang Joo:
Following are clarifications that you requested in your email dated January 27, 2008:
Our October 11, 2006 meeting summary stated that all commissioners were excused because we had lost the list of commissioners that were in attendance. The proper interpretation was that we no longer had an official record of presence or absence of commissioners at that meeting.
The only information reported by commissioners and sub-committee members was already included in section VI “commissioners’ report and sub-committees update,” in the October 11, 2006 meeting summary, which I had sent to you. No other reports were made by commissioners or sub-committee members.
Harry Kao
Executive Director
Governor's Advisory Commission
on Asian American Affairs
506 Finance Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-346-9205
FAX: 717-214-7737
Website: www.asianam.state.pa.us
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 4:26 PM
To: Kao, Hai-Chow
Subject: Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans AffairsCAMC
Happy New Year
January 27, 2009 4:25 PM
Dear Harry:
Thank you for your note.
1. Is the two (2)-pages document (Asian American Commission Meeting, Thursday, October 11, 2006, Green Room, Forum Bldg 10:00 a.m. -3:00p.m.) a summary of the Meeting or minutes of the Meeting?
2. The following is also noted in the document:
Commissioners in attendance: Attendance listing missing
Commissioners Excused: All commissioners
Staff: Executive Director Harry Kao, Assistant Deputy Jennifer Kyung
VI. Commissioners' Report and sub-committee updates
2.1. Does it mean that "All commissioners" did not attend the Meeting?
2.2. What do you mean by "Attendance listing missing"?
3. Would you be kind to make available "Commissioners' Report" as identified in "VI"?
4. Would you be kind to make available "sub-committee updates" as identified in "VI"?
5.I. Would you be kind to provide the following?
3. Materials documenting Commissioners' activities and accomplishments representing Korean-American communities for the year 2008 and the year 2007, respectively.
6. Materials documenting Commissioners' activities and accomplishments representing Korean-American communities for the year 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively.
II. Would you be kind to make available "the report about the commission’s accomplishments in 2007 and 2008"?After my return on January 12th, I shall start to work on the report about the commission’s accomplishments in 2007 and 2008.
6. Would you be kind to make available an authorised organisational chart of the Commission?
Stay warm!
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo Kim
CAMC (Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group, The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell, PA 19422
01/24/09 8:29 AM
Kao, Hai-Chow wrote:Dear Sang Joo:
The information that you just asked in your email below was already available to you.
The total number of commission meetings we had conducted would be available to you when you add up all the summaries of our commission meetings from 2004 through 2008 that I had sent you.
Those summaries of meetings that I sent you also included names of commissioners that attended and those that were excused. Commissioners that were excused were the ones that did not attend. Among our 15 commissioners, we have two Korean American commissioners---Michael Choi and Adam Kim.
Harry Kao
Executive Director
Governor's Advisory Commission
on Asian American Affairs
506 Finance Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-346-9205
FAX: 717-214-7737
Website: www.asianam.state.pa.us
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 7:34 PM
To: Kao, Hai-Chow
Subject: Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans AffairsCAMC
Happy New Year
January 23, 2009 7:33 PM
Dear Harry:
Thank you for your note.
Would you be kind to pay an attention to the following preliminary aspects when you work on my requests?
1. Total number of Commissioners
2. Total number of Commissioners representing Korean-American communities
3. Total number of Commission meetings held
4. Total number of Commission meetings in which Commissioners* representing Korean-American communities participated
* Please be specific with each Commissioner if there are more than one Commissioner representing Korean-American communities.
Stay warm!
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo Kim
CAMC (Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group, The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell, PA 19422
01/23/09 2:12 PM
Kao, Hai-Chow wrote:Dear Sang Joo:
Thank you for your reminder and patience. Due to my busy schedule after my return from an extended leave together with having to serve jury duty, which is expected to end on January 30th, I shall work on your request as soon as possible.
Harry Kao This is sent from my Blackberry wireless.
From: CAMC
To : Kao, Hai-Chow
Sent: Fri Jan 23 13:58:22 2009
Subject: Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans Affairs
Happy New Year
January 23, 2009 1:58 PM
January 16, 2009 11:01 AM
Dear Harry:
Thank you for the materials.
I. Would you be kind to provide the following?3. Materials documenting Commissioners' activities and accomplishments representing Korean-American communities for the year 2008 and the year 2007, respectively.
6. Materials documenting Commissioners' activities and accomplishments representing Korean-American communities for the year 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively.
II. Would you be kind to make available "the report about the commission’s accomplishments in 2007 and 2008"?After my return on January 12th, I shall start to work on the report about the commission’s accomplishments in 2007 and 2008.
Stay warm!
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo Kim
CAMC (Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group, The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell, PA 19422
01/14/09 12:47 PM
Kao, Hai-Chow wrote:Dear Sang Joo:
Attached per your request are the Executive Order, our bylaws, and commission meeting summaries for 2004, 2005, and 2006.
Harry Kao
Executive Director
Governor's Advisory Commission
on Asian American Affairs
506 Finance Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-346-9205
FAX: 717-214-7737
Website: www.asianam.state.pa.us
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 11:07 PM
To: Kao, Hai-Chow
Subject: Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans AffairsCAMC
Happy New Year
January 5, 2009 11:06 PM
Dear Harry:
Thank you for your note and the materials.
In the same vein, would you also be kind to make available the following materials?
4. Minutes of all the Commission meetings held for the year 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively.
5. Materials documenting the Commissions' activities and accomplishments for the year 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively.
6. Materials documenting Commissioners' activities and accomplishments representing Korean-American communities for the year 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively.
7. By-laws/Charter/Constitution of the Commission
We look forward to additional materials.
Enjoy your leave!
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo Kim
CAMC (Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group, The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell, PA 19422
01/05/09 12:39 PM
Kao, Hai-Chow wrote:Dear Sang Joo:
Although we have communicated via email, I have actually been out of my office on extended leave from the beginning of December 2008. I am expected to be returning to my office on January 12, 2009. Without further delay, I am attaching per your request, summaries of all six commission meetings conducted in 2007 and 2008.
After my return on January 12th, I shall start to work on the report about the commission’s accomplishments in 2007 and 2008. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Harry Kao
Executive Director
Governor's Advisory Commission
on Asian American Affairs
506 Finance Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-346-9205
FAX: 717-214-7737
Website: www.asianam.state.pa.us
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 11:50 AM
To: Kao, Hai-Chow
Subject: Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans AffairsCAMC
Season's Greetings
December 30, 2008 11:49 AM
December 21, 2008 1:28 PM
Dear Harry:
Thank you for your note.
We look forward to the materials.
Your prompt attention will be appreciated.
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo Kim
CAMC (Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group, The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell, PA 19422
12/20/08 3:05 PM
Kao, Hai-Chow wrote:Dear San Joo:
This is to acknowledge your request for materials from the Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian American Affairs for the years 2007 and 2008. I will prepare a report for your review.
Seasons Greetings!
Harry Kao
Executive Director
Governor's Advisory Commission
on Asian American Affairs
506 Finance Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-346-9205
FAX: 717-214-7737
Website: www.asianam.state.pa.us
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 1:24 PM
To: Kao, Hai-Chow
Subject: Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans AffairsCAMC
Season's Greetings
December 20, 2008 1:23 PM
Hai-Chow Harry Kao
Executive Director
Governor's Advisory Commission for Asian American Affairs
Office of Governor
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Dear Harry:
We are interested in knowing the work that the Commission conducted for the year 2008 and the year 2007, respectively.
Would you be kind to make available the following materials?
1. Minutes of all the Commission meetings held for the year 2008 and the year 2007, respectively.
2. Materials documenting the Commissions' activities and accomplishments for the year 2008 and the year 2007, respectively.
3. Materials documenting Commissioners' activities and accomplishments representing Korean-American communities for the year 2008 and the year 2007, respectively.
Your prompt attention will be appreciated.
Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo Kim
CAMC (Council for America My Country*: *"A Korean American community action group, The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 20, 1999)
965 Clover Court
Blue Bell, PA 19422